- What is the difference between seasoned wood and kiln-dried wood?
Seasoned wood is cut, split, and dried outdoors. It typically takes several months for seasoned wood to get to 25% moisture or less.
Kiln-dried wood is heat-treated in a kiln to reduce the moisture content in firewood. This process takes 48 hours and kills any pests which may be in the wood. The moisture content in kiln-dried firewood is 15% – 20%, which allows the wood to burn hotter, longer, and with very little smoke. We recommend kiln-dried wood for all indoor fireplaces. The kiln at Black Dog is fueled by wood to reduce our usage of fossil fuels and promote environmentally friendly practices. Note:To avoid re-introducing moisture into the kiln-dried wood, we recommend that wood kept outdoors be covered when it rains and uncovered immediately after to allow air to flow through the wood.
- What is the 5B-65 Certification?
Rule 5B-65 was enacted in Florida to halt the spread of forest destroying pests and wood-boring insects. This rule requires firewood to be heat treated in a sealed kiln for 75 minutes at 160 degrees of internal temperature. The wood can also be treated by using approved chemicals.
Black Dog only heat-treats our firewood, because we don’t believe that anyone wants to eat food that was cooked with chemically-treated firewood.
- What is the best type of wood for cooking?
This is a question for the ages and is has been debated by professionals and enthusiasts. While there are some general rules, it simply comes down to your taste buds.
For your wood burning oven, you’ll want to use very seasoned or kiln-dried wood as this will light easier and burn longer & hotter. For your Smoker, Big Green Egg, or Weber you will want smoking wood. For a more mild smoke, try Pecan, Oak, Cherry, or Apple (seasonal). For a stronger smoked flavor, Hickory will provide a more robust flavor.
Black Dog Firewood can supply you with wood splits and wood chunks for all of your cooking needs.
- What size are your pallets?
Our firewood is professionally delivered by the Large pallet or Eco pallet. A Large pallet is similar to a 1/2 Cord. An Eco pallet is similar to a 1/4 Cord. Our normal packaging is made up of a giant re-purposed vinyl bag placed on top of a 40×48 wood pallet. These special bags allow for easy containment and access as you use your wood supply.
*We do offer stacked & wrapped packaging at an additional cost per customized pallet.
- What size are your firewood splits?
All of our logs are 16″ in length but can be purchased in three different cuts. Our largest cut is the BBQ cut (approx 6″ width). We offer a medium Restaurant cut (approx 4″ width). If you need something smaller for your pizza oven, we also stock kiln-dried hickory Pizza Sticks. They are pre-cut to 16″(L) × approx 2″ (W) × 2″ (H).